DesignStudio Debate: The Argument Around Templates

If you work in the field of web design, you are incredibly familiar with templates. Templates are pre-made, pre-designed web page that lets a user add in their own text and graphics. Templates make creating your own website fast and easy. All a template user has to do is plug in their own content, while all the heavy lifting (color themes, font themes, headers, footers) has been taken care of by the template. A lot of designers are (understandably) against templates. Templates eliminate the need for custom web design work, they create homogenized web pages, and perpetuate trends in the design world while taking away from the value of what designers do every day.

However, there are also arguments out there in favor of the use of templates. To read more on this debate, check out this very interesting article from Eyes on Design. Let us know what you think in the comments – are you for or against templates?

Do Templates Make Good Design Accessible to All or Diminish the Role of the Designer?

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web pages,
web design,
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