Migrating a Site from WPE to AWS
- Create new subdomain on Amazon Route 53 – clientname.designstudio.host
- Create new install on Runcloud with the staging domain – clientname.designstudio.host. Follow guide here to create new install on Runcloud. Be sure to add the main domain names after you create the install.
- Install All in One Migration plugin on the site you are going to move. Run the exporter with this plugin. IMPORTANT – When on the export screen, click Advanced options and check “Do not replace email domain (sql)”. Run the exporter.
- Install All in One Migration and All in One Migration Unlimited Extension on the staging site you have created (clientname.designstudio.host). You can find this plugin in All Business Resources -> Admin Resources -> Business Processes -> IT Department
- Run the All in One Migration importer with the file you created. This may take 5-10 minutes.
- ONLY DO THIS STEP IF THE INSTALL IS LINKED TO A BUCKET ON S3. You will need to login to Amazon S3 and check if the object is in the bucket. Install the S3 uploads plugin through the WP Pusher plugin. Click WP Pusher in the sidebar and obtain a Bitbucket token, put the token in the field, and save. Click Install->Bitbucket and click here to get the information to enter into the fields.
- Skip this step if you did not have to do the previous step. Open the wp-config.php file and get the information to enter
- Skip this step if you did not have to do the previous s3 step. Check site for broken images. If there are broken images, you will have to replace the image URLS. For example, if you /wp-content/uploads/2016/11/hot-tubs.png as an image path in the child stylesheet, you will need to https://wp-agility2.s3.amazonaws.com/clientname/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/hot-tubs.png
- Install Litespeed caching plugin
- Delete All in One Migration plugins
- Run a search and replace. Install Better Search and Replace. Go to Tools->Better Search Replace in the sidebar. In the search for field put clientname.designstudio.host. In the replace with field, put clientname.com (primary domain). Select all the tables. Uncheck Run as dry run and then click Run Search/Replace
- Update DNS to point to the correct IP. Add SSL certificate once the domain is pointing to the correct IP.
- If the site is using Elementor, you will need to run the search and replace with this plugin also. Go to Elementor->Tools and click the Replace URL tab. Put http://clientname.designstudio.host in the old URL field and http://clientname.com in the new-url field. Click Replace URL and SAVE CHANGES.
- Install InfiniteWP and add site to a backup schedule. Run a manual test backup after the plugin is installed.
- Delete the mu-plugins directory. You will need to SFTP into the server to do this.
- Update SFTP logins in the logins sheet. MAKE SURE THE FORMAT IS THE SAME AS IT CURRENTLY IS. Do not add database logins.
- Delete install off of WPEngine