As lead designer, I worked on the home page design.
ALLCRUISES wished to transform the cruise booking process with more lifestyle-focused visuals and a clean site design. After experimenting with over 10 home page iterations, the client was pleased with an image focused less on cruise ships and more on the adventurous travel opportunities cruises can lead to. Ultimately I chose a non-conventional cruise image to open a new line of communication for the travel opportunities cruising can bring you.
The client wanted a classy, sophisticated feel with inspiration taken from travel Magazines. To fit this style, I chose large, bold serif fonts with parallax imagery.
Unfortunately, due to the negative press surrounding accidents that occurred on cruise ships, along with the COVID-19 pandemic, this project was not able to reach completion, however, the concept work completed was very well received.
Check out these Adobe Prototypes for this project
Posted October 15th 2021
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