What Makes High-Quality User Experience (UX) Design?

Fundamental Components of a Great User Experience


UX Desk

User Experience (UX) is a central, critical element of website design and a driving factor in the success of any website. Often confused with the term User Interface (UI), User Experience design is much larger in scope and must account for every aspect of the end-user’s experience. User interface is a core component of high-quality user experience. UI design primarily deals with visual appeal, interactive elements, and the overall look and feel of a website. User experience involves coordination with UI, market research, content strategy, site architecture, testing, execution, and analytics. The role of a UX designer requires digital marketing, web development, and project management skills. Essentially, UX involves everything related to how site visitors engage your brand online.

While creating a high-quality user experience is no small task, it is pivotal for the success of your brand in the digital age. Users expect a seamless, flawless UX that works on any device. If your site fails to live up to expectations, you could be losing conversions, customers, and revenue. As a business owner, you should learn the fundamentals of great UX and UI when working with designers. By understanding what your digital creative is attempting to accomplish, you can both work together for the success of your company.

Balance Between Design Trends and Principles

Web design trends come and go. On the other hand, core design principles have been understood since the inception of creative design psychology. However, top-class UX blends these two areas of focus together in perfect harmony. For example, a current trend is flat, material web design. This trend can be used to brilliant effect. We’ve seen this popular modern design spread throughout popular culture in everything from logo design to commercial architecture. However, this trend also gave rise to the popular use of tiny, gray text that made content difficult to read. While small, monochromatic font may seem trendy, it ignored the classic design principle of readability.

Great UX involves the effective use of popular, avant-garde design that will appeal to the modern user. It also adheres to design principles that have been around for centuries before the inception of the internet. You can be cutting-edge, but make sure to use common sense.

UX Begins with the User: Know Your Audience

Perhaps the most fundamental element in the world of digital marketing is an understanding of your target audience. The first word in the term “User Experience” also happens to be the most important. Unfortunately, some creatives can focus too heavily on beautiful design instead of thinking about what their users want and need first. For great UX, you simply need to know your audience first. This is where great UX starts, and the user should drive most decisions made throughout the design of your website. If you don’t have a deep understanding of your ideal customer or target market, this is where you should begin. Ask questions like:

  • How old is your average user?
  • Are your customers mostly male or female?
  • Is your target audience single? Married? College educated? Middle class?
  • Where are most of your users located geographically?
  • What browser or operating system is your audience using to access your website?

Market research is a critical aspect of a business plan, and just as important when it comes to UX design. By understanding your target market, you will be able to develop an overall experience tailored to their needs, likes, and goals.

Create a Clear, Logical, Predictable User Experience

We mentioned earlier that minimalism is a modern design trend, and the element of clarity is critical to its widespread popularity. Your website content must be clear, digestible, and arranged in a logical format for pleasant UX design. While creating a beautiful user interface with striking visual appeal can be the goal, it must be driven by sound logic. Your visitors must be able to understand your message clearly, know where they are being directed, and prompted to take action with harmonious simplicity. Users don’t like being confused, forced to click multiple times, or have to search for your call to action button. If your UX makes them doubt or waver when browsing your website, they may quickly exit.

Predictability is another important factor in creating a seamless user experience. When a visitor clicks on a button or engages an interactive element, you better be sure they receive what they expect. Visitors don’t like clunky, unpredictable UX design. Creative, aesthetic appeal is important to user experience. However, a logical progression with clear prompts and predictable outcomes are keys to successful UX.


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